import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from InboundMessage_pb2 import * from OutboundMessage_pb2 import * import sys import json from datetime import datetime from time import sleep import re import os import tkinter as tk # Default Values #in_client_name = "Client-Vehicle" #out_client_name = "Client-FMS" #host_name = "" #subOutTopic = "OCTA/FMS/1/OTA2" #publishInTopic = "OCTA/FMS/1/OTA2" #subInTopic = "OCTA/VEHICLE/1234/OTA2" #publishOutTopic = "OCTA/VEHICLE/1234/OTA2" #qos = 1 #keepAliveTime = 600 # Loading Configuration Values f = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') data = json.load(f) in_client_name = data["clientInfo"]["InClientName"] out_client_name = data["clientInfo"]["OutClientName"] host_name = data["clientInfo"]["hostName"] subOutTopic = data["clientInfo"]["subOutTopic"] publishOutTopic = data["clientInfo"]["pubOutTopic"] publishInTopic = data["clientInfo"]["pubInTopic"] subInTopic = data["clientInfo"]["subInTopic"] portConnection = data["clientInfo"]["port"] maxPacketSize = data["clientInfo"]["max_payload_len"] subqos = data["clientInfo"]["sub_qos"] pubqos = data["clientInfo"]["pub_qos"] retain_msg = data["clientInfo"]["retain_msg"] keepAliveTime = data["clientInfo"]["keep_alive"] cleanSession = data["clientInfo"]["clean_session"] timeout = data["clientInfo"]["timeout"] f.close() messageInTypes = {} messageOutTypes = {} vehicleTopics = [] vehicleID = 1000 transmissionID = 0 filenameIn = "" foldernameIn = "" filenameOut = "" foldernameOut = "" graphical = False clientIn = clientOut = "" # @param: boolean whether inbound or not, message number # @return: index of message based on .json def getMessageIndex(inbound, msgNum): f = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') data = json.load(f) indexName = "InboundOTAMessage" index = -1 if not inbound: indexName = "OutboundOTAMessage" for i in range(len(data[indexName])): if data[indexName][i]["CadId"] == str(msgNum): index = i f.close() return index # Creates new outbound packet obj using header from json # @param: None # @return: new packet obj def newOutboundPacket(): packet = OutboundPacket() packet.PktHeader.MessageCount = 1 packet.PktHeader.Outage = False return packet # Adds message onto outbound packet obj # @param: packet object to add onto, message to add, nondefault parameter values dictionary # @return: modified packet object def addMsgToOutboundPacket(packet, msgNum, params): f = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') data = json.load(f) index = getMessageIndex(False, msgNum) if index == -1: print("Outbound message id", msgNum, "does not exist.") exit() messageTemp = packet.PktMessage.add() messageTemp.MsgHeader.TypeID = int(msgNum) #messageTemp.MsgHeader.ExtendedIDFlag = False #messageTemp.MsgHeader.Std_MessageID = 0 #messageTemp.MsgHeader.Extended_MessageID = bytes("000") message = data["OutboundOTAMessage"][index]["Parameter"] for param, value in params.items(): found = False for p in message: if param in p.values(): found = True p["ParamValue"] = value break if not found: print("Parameter", param, "not found in message type", msgNum) messageTemp.TheMessage = bytes(str(message), 'utf-8') f.close() return packet # Creates new inbound packet obj using header from json # @param: None # @return: new packet obj def newInboundPacket(vehicleID): global transmissionID f = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') data = json.load(f) packet = InboundPacket() for item in data["Header"]: packet.PktHeader.VehicleID = vehicleID packet.PktHeader.TransmissionID = transmissionID + 1 packet.PktHeader.MessageCount = 1 #packet.PktHeader.GPS_NULL_Indicator = False packet.PktHeader.CompressGPSHeading = item["cGPSHeading"] packet.PktHeader.CompressGPSLat = item["cGPSLat"] packet.PktHeader.CompressGPSLon = item["cGPSLon"] packet.PktHeader.Speed = bytes(item["Speed"], 'utf-8') packet.PktHeader.OffRoute = item["OffRoute"] packet.PktHeader.LateIndicator = item["LateIndicator"] packet.PktHeader.SchedDeviation = bytes(item["SchedDeviation"], 'utf-8') packet.PktHeader.GPSHeading = item["GPSHeading"] packet.PktHeader.GPSLat = item["GPSLat"] packet.PktHeader.GPSLon = item["GPSLon"] packet.PktHeader.Altitude = item["Altitude"] f.close() return packet # Adds message onto inbound packet obj # @param: packet object to add onto, message to add, nondefault parameter values dictionary # @return: modified packet object def addMsgToInboundPacket(packet, msgNum, params): f = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') data = json.load(f) index = getMessageIndex(True, msgNum) if index == -1: print("Inbound message id", msgNum, "does not exist.") exit() messageTemp = packet.PktMessage.add() messageTemp.MsgHeader.TypeID = int(msgNum) #messageTemp.MsgHeader.ExtendedIDFlag = False #messageTemp.MsgHeader.Std_MessageID = 0 #messageTemp.MsgHeader.Extended_MessageID = bytes("000") message = data["InboundOTAMessage"][index]["Parameter"] for param, value in params.items(): found = False for p in message: if param in p.values(): found = True p["ParamValue"] = value break if not found: print("Parameter", param, "not found in message type", msgNum) messageTemp.TheMessage = bytes(str(message), 'utf-8') f.close() return packet def processInstruction(user_str, readFile, labels, client, vehicleID): global transmissionID sendLex = re.match(r"^Send (\d+|[a-zA-Z]+)(\s*[a-zA-Z]+=\d+\s*)*$", user_str) delayLex = re.match(r"^Delay (\d+)$", user_str) labelLex = re.match(r"^([a-zA-Z]+):$", user_str) loopLex = re.match(r"^Loop ([a-zA-Z]+) (\d+)$", user_str) if sendLex != None: sendID = sendLex[1].isdigit() and sendLex[1] in messageInTypes.keys() sendStr = sendLex[1] in messageInTypes.values() if sendID or sendStr: params = re.findall(r"[a-zA-Z]+=\d+", user_str) paramVals = {} for param in params: p = re.match(r"([a-zA-Z]+)=(\d+)", param) paramVals[] = messageNum = sendLex[1] if sendStr: for key,value in messageInTypes.items(): if sendLex[1] in value: messageNum = key packet = addMsgToInboundPacket(newInboundPacket(vehicleID), messageNum, paramVals) transmissionID += 1 transmissionID %= 63 theMessage = packet.SerializeToString() infot = client.publish(publishInTopic, payload=theMessage, qos=pubqos) if infot.is_published: print("Published successfully.") else: print("The only messages that can be sent are:", messageInTypes.items()) elif delayLex != None: print("Waiting", delayLex[1], "seconds") sleep(int(delayLex[1])) elif labelLex != None: if labelLex[1] in labels.keys(): print("Label already defined!") else: labels[labelLex[1]] = list() print(labels) elif loopLex != None: if loopLex[1] not in labels.keys(): print("Label", loopLex[1], "not defined.") elif "End" not in labels.get(loopLex[1]): print("Label", loopLex[1], "not ended.") else: instructionArr = labels.get(loopLex[1]) for i in range(int(loopLex[2])): instructionNum = 0 while instructionArr[instructionNum] != "End": processInstruction(instructionArr[instructionNum], readFile, labels, client, vehicleID) instructionNum += 1 else: print("Lexing error!") currInbound = newInboundPacket(vehicleID) currOutbound = newOutboundPacket() def main(): global clientIn, clientOut, filenameIn, filenameOut, in_client_name, subInTopic, publishOutTopic, foldernameIn, foldernameOut, vehicleID, currInbound, currOutbound def on_message_out(client, userdata, message): global filenameOut, vehicleTopics write = open(filenameOut, 'a') msg_received = message.payload #print(type(msg_received)) #print("message received (serialized):", msg_received, "\n") packet = InboundPacket() packet.ParseFromString(msg_received) current_time ="%H:%M:%S") write.write("Message received at " + current_time + ":\n" + str(packet)) if graphical: outputText['state'] = tk.NORMAL outputText.insert(tk.END, current_time + ": Message received from vehicle " + str(packet.PktHeader.VehicleID) + "\n" + str(packet)) outputText['state'] = tk.DISABLED else: print("Message received at", current_time + ":\n", packet, end="") f = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') data = json.load(f) topic = "OCTA/VEHICLE/" + str(packet.PktHeader.VehicleID) + "/OTA2" vehicleTopics.append(topic) for msg in packet.PktMessage: index = getMessageIndex(True, msg.MsgHeader.TypeID) for response in data["InboundOTAMessage"][index]["Response"]: p = addMsgToOutboundPacket(newOutboundPacket(), str(response), {}) theMessage = p.SerializeToString() client.publish(topic, payload=theMessage, qos=pubqos) write.write("Sending response message " + str(response) + "\n") if graphical: current_time ="%H:%M:%S") outputText['state'] = tk.NORMAL outputText.insert(tk.END, current_time + ": Sending response message " + str(response) + "\n") outputText['state'] = tk.DISABLED else: print("Sending response message", str(response)) f.close() def on_message_in(client, userdata, message): global filenameIn write = open(filenameIn, 'a') msg_received = message.payload #print(type(msg_received)) #print("message received (serialized):", msg_received, "\n") packet = OutboundPacket() packet.ParseFromString(msg_received) current_time ="%H:%M:%S") write.write("Message received at " + current_time + ":\n" + str(packet)) if graphical: outputText['state'] = tk.NORMAL outputText.insert(tk.END, current_time + ": Message received\n" + str(packet)) outputText['state'] = tk.DISABLED else: print("Message received at", current_time + ":\n", packet, end="") labels = {} readFile = False minArgs = 3 if len(sys.argv) == minArgs: readFile = False elif len(sys.argv) == minArgs + 1: readFile = True f2 = open(sys.argv[3], 'r') else: print("Command line argument error. Usage: python", sys.argv[0], ".json in####/out/graphical .txt") exit() f = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') data = json.load(f) for i in data["InboundOTAMessage"]: messageInTypes[i["CadId"]] = i["Name"] for i in data["OutboundOTAMessage"]: messageOutTypes[i["CadId"]] = i["Name"] f.close() reVehicle = re.match(r"^in(\d*)$", sys.argv[2]) if "graphical" in sys.argv: global graphical, inboundBool def disableRoot(): inboundCheck['state'] = tk.DISABLED vehicleIDField['state'] = tk.DISABLED messageTypeMenu['state'] = tk.DISABLED paramsButton['state'] = tk.DISABLED sendButton['state'] = tk.DISABLED def enableRoot(): inboundCheck['state'] = tk.NORMAL vehicleIDField['state'] = tk.NORMAL messageTypeMenu['state'] = tk.NORMAL paramsButton['state'] = tk.NORMAL sendButton['state'] = tk.NORMAL def paramsWindow(): global inboundBool def closeParams(): enableRoot() window.destroy() def confirmParams(): global currInbound, inboundBool, currOutbound # Set params here... params = {} for i in range(len(grid)): params[grid[i][0]['text']] = grid[i][1].get() if inboundBool: currInbound = addMsgToInboundPacket(newInboundPacket(vehicleID), currInbound.PktMessage[0].MsgHeader.TypeID, params) current_time ="%H:%M:%S") outputText['state'] = tk.NORMAL outputText.insert(tk.END, current_time + ": Message " + InMessageHeader.InboundMessageTypeNos.Name(currInbound.PktMessage[0].MsgHeader.TypeID) + " parameters set\n") outputText['state'] = tk.DISABLED else: currOutbound = addMsgToOutboundPacket(newOutboundPacket(), currOutbound.PktMessage[0].MsgHeader.TypeID, params) current_time ="%H:%M:%S") outputText['state'] = tk.NORMAL outputText.insert(tk.END, current_time + ": Message " + OutMessageHeader.OutboundMessageTypeNos.Name(currOutbound.PktMessage[0].MsgHeader.TypeID) + " parameters set\n") outputText['state'] = tk.DISABLED enableRoot() window.destroy() disableRoot() indexName = "InboundOTAMessage" if not inboundBool: # inbound checkbox not checked indexName = "OutboundOTAMessage" for key, value in messageOutTypes.items(): if messageTypeVar.get() in value: messageNum = key else: for key, value in messageInTypes.items(): if messageTypeVar.get() in value: messageNum = key index = getMessageIndex(inboundBool, messageNum) window = tk.Toplevel() window.title("Message " + messageTypeVar.get() + " Parameters") window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", closeParams) paramsFrame = tk.Frame(window) parameters = data[indexName][index]["Parameter"] grid = [[-1 for _ in range(2)] for _ in range(len(parameters))] for i in range(len(parameters)): grid[i][0] = tk.Label(paramsFrame, text=parameters[i]["ParamName"]) grid[i][1] = tk.Entry(paramsFrame) grid[i][1].insert(0, parameters[i]["ParamValue"]) confirmButton = tk.Button(paramsFrame, text="Confirm Parameters", command=confirmParams) paramsFrame.pack() for i in range(len(grid)): for j in range(len(grid[i])): grid[i][j].grid(row=i, column=j) confirmButton.grid(row=len(grid), column=0, columnspan=2) def inboundSelect(): global inboundBool, clientOut, clientIn, vehicleTopics if inbound.get() == 1: # inbound checkbox is checked inboundBool = True vehicleIDField['state'] = tk.NORMAL root.title("OTAV2 Simulator Vehicle " + str(vehID.get())) messageTypeMenu['menu'].delete(0, 'end') for val in messageInTypes.values(): messageTypeMenu['menu'].add_command(label=val, command=tk._setit(messageTypeVar, val)) messageTypeVar.set(next(iter(messageInTypes.values()))) current_time ="%H:%M:%S") outputText['state'] = tk.NORMAL outputText.delete(1.0, tk.END) outputText.insert(tk.END, current_time + ": Vehicle connected to MQTT broker(" + host_name + ")\n") outputText['state'] = tk.DISABLED clientOut.disconnect() clientIn = mqtt.Client(client_id=in_client_name, clean_session=cleanSession) clientIn.on_message = on_message_in clientIn.connect(host_name, keepalive=keepAliveTime, port=portConnection) clientIn.subscribe(subInTopic, qos=subqos) clientIn.loop_start() else: # inbound checkbox not checked vehicleTopics = [] inboundBool = False vehicleIDField['state'] = tk.DISABLED root.title("OTAV2 Simulator Fixed End") messageTypeMenu['menu'].delete(0, 'end') for val in messageOutTypes.values(): messageTypeMenu['menu'].add_command(label=val, command=tk._setit(messageTypeVar, val)) messageTypeVar.set(next(iter(messageOutTypes.values()))) current_time ="%H:%M:%S") outputText['state'] = tk.NORMAL outputText.delete(1.0, tk.END) outputText.insert(tk.END, current_time + ": Fixed end connected to MQTT broker(" + host_name + ")\n") outputText['state'] = tk.DISABLED clientIn.disconnect() clientOut = mqtt.Client(client_id=out_client_name, clean_session=cleanSession) clientOut.on_message = on_message_out clientOut.connect(host_name, keepalive=keepAliveTime, port=portConnection) clientOut.subscribe(subOutTopic, qos=subqos) clientOut.loop_start() def changeVehicleID(*args): global vehicleID, in_client_name, subInTopic, publishOutTopic, foldernameIn, filenameIn, clientIn, currInbound try: vehicleID = int(vehicleIDField.get()) except ValueError: vehicleID = 1000 if vehicleID >= 1000: root.title("OTAV2 Simulator Vehicle " + vehicleIDField.get()) in_client_name = "Client-Vehicle" + str(vehicleID) subInTopic = "OCTA/VEHICLE/" + str(vehicleID) + "/OTA2" publishOutTopic = "OCTA/VEHICLE/" + str(vehicleID) + "/OTA2" foldernameIn = r"logs\vehicle\\" +'%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M') if not os.path.exists(foldernameIn): os.mkdir(foldernameIn) filenameIn = foldernameIn + "\\" + str(vehicleID) + ".txt" open(filenameIn, 'w') clientIn.disconnect() for key, value in messageInTypes.items(): if messageTypeVar.get() in value: currInbound = addMsgToInboundPacket(newInboundPacket(vehicleID), key, {}) clientIn = mqtt.Client(client_id=in_client_name, clean_session=cleanSession) clientIn.on_message = on_message_in clientIn.connect(host_name, keepalive=keepAliveTime, port=portConnection) clientIn.loop_start() clientIn.subscribe(subInTopic, qos=subqos) def sendMessage(): global transmissionID, currInbound, currOutbound, inboundBool if inboundBool: transmissionID += 1 transmissionID %= 63 theMessage = currInbound.SerializeToString() clientIn.publish(publishInTopic, payload=theMessage, qos=pubqos) current_time ="%H:%M:%S") outputText['state'] = tk.NORMAL outputText.insert(tk.END, current_time + ": Vehicle sent message " + InMessageHeader.InboundMessageTypeNos.Name(currInbound.PktMessage[0].MsgHeader.TypeID) + "\n") outputText['state'] = tk.DISABLED for key, value in messageInTypes.items(): if messageTypeVar.get() in value: currInbound = addMsgToInboundPacket(newInboundPacket(vehicleID), key, {}) else: theMessage = currOutbound.SerializeToString() for topic in vehicleTopics: clientOut.publish(topic, payload=theMessage, qos=pubqos) current_time ="%H:%M:%S") outputText['state'] = tk.NORMAL outputText.insert(tk.END, current_time + ": Fixed end sent message " + OutMessageHeader.OutboundMessageTypeNos.Name(currOutbound.PktMessage[0].MsgHeader.TypeID) + " to " + str(len(vehicleTopics)) + " vehicles\n") outputText['state'] = tk.DISABLED for key, value in messageOutTypes.items(): if messageTypeVar.get() in value: currOutbound = addMsgToOutboundPacket(newOutboundPacket(), key, {}) def changeMessage(*args): global currInbound, currOutbound, inboundBool if inboundBool: for key, value in messageInTypes.items(): if messageTypeVar.get() in value: currInbound = addMsgToInboundPacket(newInboundPacket(vehicleID), key, {}) else: for key, value in messageOutTypes.items(): if messageTypeVar.get() in value: currOutbound = addMsgToOutboundPacket(newOutboundPacket(), key, {}) graphical = True inboundBool = True root = tk.Tk() mainFrame = tk.Frame(root) inbound = tk.IntVar() inboundCheck = tk.Checkbutton(mainFrame, text="Inbound", variable=inbound, command=inboundSelect) vehicleIDLabel = tk.Label(mainFrame, text="Vehicle ID") vehID = tk.IntVar() vehID.set(vehicleID) # Default Vehicle ID vehID.trace("w", callback=changeVehicleID) vehicleIDField = tk.Entry(mainFrame, textvariable=vehID) messageTypeLabel = tk.Label(mainFrame, text="Message Type") messages = messageInTypes.values() messageTypeVar = tk.StringVar() messageTypeVar.set(next(iter(messages))) messageTypeVar.trace('w', changeMessage) messageTypeMenu = tk.OptionMenu(mainFrame, messageTypeVar, *messages, command=changeMessage) paramsButton = tk.Button(mainFrame, text="Set Parameters", command=paramsWindow) sendButton = tk.Button(mainFrame, text="Send Message", command=sendMessage) consoleLabel = tk.Label(mainFrame, text="Console") textFrame = tk.Frame(mainFrame) outputText = tk.Text(textFrame) scrollBar = tk.Scrollbar(textFrame, command=outputText.yview) outputText['yscrollcommand'] = scrollBar.set mainFrame.pack() root.title("OTAV2 Simulator Vehicle " + str(vehID.get())) inboundCheck.grid(row=0, column=0) vehicleIDLabel.grid(row=0, column=1) vehicleIDField.grid(row=0, column=2) messageTypeLabel.grid(row=1, column=0) messageTypeMenu.grid(row=1, column=1) paramsButton.grid(row=1, column=2) sendButton.grid(row=2, column=1) consoleLabel.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=tk.W) outputText.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH) scrollBar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y) textFrame.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=3) messages = messageInTypes.keys() currInbound = addMsgToInboundPacket(currInbound, next(iter(messages)), {}) messages = messageOutTypes.keys() currOutbound = addMsgToOutboundPacket(currOutbound, next(iter(messages)), {}) in_client_name += str(vehicleID) subInTopic = "OCTA/VEHICLE/" + str(vehicleID) + "/OTA2" publishOutTopic = "OCTA/VEHICLE/" + str(vehicleID) + "/OTA2" foldernameIn = r"logs\vehicle\\" +'%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M') if not os.path.exists(foldernameIn): os.mkdir(foldernameIn) filenameIn = foldernameIn + "\\" + str(vehicleID) + ".txt" open(filenameIn, 'w') current_time ="%H:%M:%S") outputText['state'] = tk.NORMAL outputText.insert(tk.END, current_time + ": Vehicle connected to MQTT broker(" + host_name + ")\n") outputText['state'] = tk.DISABLED current_time ="%H:%M:%S") #outputText2['state'] = tk.NORMAL #outputText2.insert(tk.END, current_time + ": Fixed end connected to MQTT broker(" + host_name + ")\n") #outputText2['state'] = tk.DISABLED # mqtt clientIn = mqtt.Client(client_id=in_client_name, clean_session=cleanSession) clientIn.on_message = on_message_in clientIn.connect(host_name, keepalive=keepAliveTime, port=portConnection) filenameOut = r"logs\fms\\" +'%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M.txt') open(filenameOut, 'w') clientOut = mqtt.Client(client_id=out_client_name, clean_session=cleanSession) clientOut.on_message = on_message_out #clientOut.connect(host_name, keepalive=keepAliveTime) #clientOut.subscribe(subOutTopic, qos=qos) #clientOut.loop_start() clientIn.loop_start() clientIn.subscribe(subInTopic, qos=subqos) root.mainloop() else: if reVehicle != None: if reVehicle[1] != "": vehicleID = int(reVehicle[1]) in_client_name += str(vehicleID) subInTopic = "OCTA/VEHICLE/" + str(vehicleID) + "/OTA2" publishOutTopic = "OCTA/VEHICLE/" + str(vehicleID) + "/OTA2" foldernameIn = r"logs\vehicle\\" +'%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M') if not os.path.exists(foldernameIn): os.mkdir(foldernameIn) filenameIn = foldernameIn + "\\" + str(vehicleID) + ".txt" open(filenameIn, 'w') write = open(filenameIn, 'a') # mqtt client = mqtt.Client(client_id=in_client_name, clean_session=cleanSession) client.on_message = on_message_in client.connect(host_name, keepalive=keepAliveTime, port=portConnection) client.loop_start() client.subscribe(subInTopic, qos=subqos) user_str = "" print("OTAV2 Simulator") while True: now = current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") #write.write(current_time + ">>>") print(current_time + ">>>", end='') #write.write(user_str) if readFile: user_str = f2.readline() print(user_str, end='') else: user_str = str(input()) if user_str == "quit": client.disconnect() break labelBool = False for key in labels: if labels[key] != None and "End" not in labels[key]: labelBool = True if labelBool: endLabelLex = re.match(r"^End ([a-zA-Z]+)$", user_str) if endLabelLex != None: if endLabelLex[1] not in labels.keys(): print("Label does not exist.") else: labels.get(endLabelLex[1]).append("End") else: for key in labels: if "End" not in labels[key]: labels.get(key).append(user_str) else: processInstruction(user_str, readFile, labels, client, vehicleID) client.loop_stop() elif sys.argv[2] == "out": filenameOut = r"logs\fms\\" +'%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M.txt') open(filenameOut, 'w') client = mqtt.Client(client_id=out_client_name, clean_session=cleanSession) client.on_message = on_message_out client.connect(host_name, keepalive=keepAliveTime, port=portConnection) client.subscribe(subOutTopic, qos=subqos) client.loop_forever() else: print("Please specify inbound(in####) or outbound(out) messages.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()